Megan Spelman
Preview Laia i Josep
One of my favorite weddings of 2012, Laia and Josep's handmade rustic wedding in the pueblos of Girona, Spain. Can't wait to share more.
Paul and Tamar
Went crazy on the emotional moments at this wedding. Its a big deal when a girl gets married. Its a really big deal when a girl gets married and changes continents to start a new life. Wish you all the best Tamar and Paul.
Motherhood is the jam. Photo by Vicent.
In Good Company
My father-in-law really wanted to do a portrait in his green beans to illustrate how tall they have gotten over the course of the summer. After his two grandsons, his vegetable garden is his pride and joy. Needless to say, I have a pretty good time with Salvador.
La Balena Elena
Aquest cap de setmana estiguérem en un petit poble de la comarca de Girona per fotografiar la boda verbenera de la Laia i el Josep. Encara no hem mirat les fotos, però com sempre ja en tindreu una mostra mes endavant. Al que volia referir-me en aquesta entrada es el el plaer que ha sigut conèixer els iaios de la Laia, la família i la seva vida dedicada als titelles des de 1959 amb la seva empresa familiar Titelles Babi.
Coneguérem la seva història, alguns dels seus personatges i ens enamorarem d'aquests iaios. Aquestes vides ens donen molta força per creure en el que fem, per treballar en parella i mantindre eixa alegria per la vida. Des d'ací els enviem petons i una forta abraçada a la Carme, el Llibert, al Ferran i la Balena Elena per fer-nos sentir com en casa i inspirar-nos amb el seu exemple.
Un plaer per sempre.
Gioia & Justin's Formentera Wedding (Part III)
The stunning Gioia of Italy, and super chill nice guy Justin of New Zealand had a beautiful celebration of their love with their two daughters, loving family, and fantastic friends over the course of three days on the mythical island of Formentera. Ceremony was in Ibizan style, all white, with dinner and party at the elegant 10punto7. We feel so lucky and special to have been a part of it. All design and decor by the bride... super talented no?
What's Going On
I had so much fun working on this styled shoot. Can't wait to get through editing the entire thing to share. It was so great to collaborate and share in the creative process. Yeah to teamwork! xoxox to Vicent, Lana Pelana, & Abel
Gioia & Justin - Part II
Gioia and Justin's Formentera weekend wedding celebration posts continue. The wedding party had an amazing paella day two at the legendary Restaurante Pelayo on the beach. The polaroids are a fun glimpse into the fest as well. I think I have professed my love of Formentera enough .. so now I am just hoping to be born an Italian in my next life.