Bikini Birdie - Displaying items by tag: baby Subscribe to this RSS feed
California Dreaming
Thursday, 17 January 2013 01:48San Francisco, California.
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handmade baby mobile and adventures in the crib
Tuesday, 06 March 2012 12:15When I was pregnant with Kalaii I got excited to make a mobile for his crib. I had no idea the room we spent so much time painting and thinking about during pregnancy would become an extension of the laundry room after baby's arrival. Since we ended up practicing co-sleeping, we pretty much just go in there to fold clothes. I thought it was about time to check out the crib and the mobile I made (inspired by origami cranes from Antonio and Patricia's wedding).
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Thursday, 10 November 2011 18:20
TOM, tom, ToM
La primera vez que escuchamos su corazón.
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